B2G/QA/Automation/UI/Scrum/Sprint 1

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Sprint 1 2014-10-06 -> 2014-10-17


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Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Resolution Priority Qa whiteboard
924873 Investigate removing external dependencies from gaia-ui-tests WORKSFORME P4 [fxosqa-auto-dropped-s1]
927139 Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] Expand automated coverage around keyboard usage when composing a MMS message FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s1]
982839 Martijn Wargers (dead) Write a test to protect against the regression seen in bug 981804 (navigate out of fullscreen video) FIXED P1 fxosqa-auto-s5, fxosqa-auto-points=8, fxosqa-auto-from-s2, fxosqa-auto-from-s3, fxosqa-auto-from-s4,fxosqa-auto-from-s1
989562 Martijn Wargers (dead) Write a test to install & launch a packaged app FIXED P1 [fxosqa-auto-from-s1] [fxosqa-auto-s2]
1000863 Martijn Wargers (dead) Investigate test_fmradio_find_stations.py failure FIXED P2 [fxosqa-auto-from-s1] [fxosqa-auto-from-s2] [fxosqa-auto-from-s3] [fxosqa-auto-from-s4] [fxosqa-auto-from-s5][fxosqa-auto-from-s6][fxosqa-auto-s7]
1009099 Ween GaiaTestCase off wait_for_* methods DUPLICATE -- [fxosqa-auto-dropped-s1]
1017567 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] Use Actions for "open_utility_tray" method FIXED P2 [fxosqa-auto-s1]
1037827 Intermittent test_play_ogg_video.py TestPlayOGGVideo.test_play_ogg_video | AssertionError: time.struct_time(tm_year=1900, tm_mon=1, tm_mday=1, tm_hour=0, tm_min=0, tm_sec=0, tm_wday=0, tm_yday=1, tm_isdst=-1) not greater than time.struct_time(tm_year=1900 WORKSFORME -- [fxosqa-auto-s1]
1047168 Martijn Wargers (dead) Modify test_play_youtube to play a video file locally FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-s4, fxosqa-auto-points=8, fxosqa-auto-from-s3, fxosqa-auto-from-s2, fxosqa-auto-from-s1
1065933 Dave Hunt [:davehunt] [he/him] ⌚BST Marionette should throw a MarionetteException when a tap causes the frame to close unexpectedly FIXED P1 [fxosqa-auto-s1]
1071647 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] [v2.1] Fix intermittent failure in test_cost_control_reset_wifi.py FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s1]
1072973 Robert Chira [:RobertC] [v2.2] Capture crash report for intermittent crash in cost control tests WORKSFORME -- [fxosqa-auto-s1]
1075504 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] Update test_gallery_view to correlate with the manual test FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s1]
1075510 Add test to verify the Notification for E-mail is displayed FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s1]
1075513 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] Update test_sms_contact to send the SMS message FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s1]
1075547 Robert Chira [:RobertC] Update test_call_log_all_calls to verify missed calls menu FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s1]
1075551 Add test to receive call/answer call from the lockscreen WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-s1]
1077333 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] Investigate failure in test_add_to_new_contact_from_messages.py FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s1]
1077367 [v2.0] Investigate test_camera_capture_video failure DUPLICATE -- [fxosqa-auto-backlog-] [fxosqa-auto-dropped-s1]
1078247 Robert Chira [:RobertC] [v2.2] Fix keyboard object app after updates from Bug 996332 FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s1]
1080169 Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] Add a test that sends an sms with picture from Gallery attached FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s1] [fxosqa-auto-from-s2] [fxosqa-auto-s3]
1080557 Update test_browser_bookmark.py to delete the bookmark added FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s1]
1082644 Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] Add to gaia UI tests files moztrap links of the implemented manual testcase FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s1] [fxosqa-auto-s2]
1083126 Robert Chira [:RobertC] Update test_sms_with_attachments.py to match the manual smoketest FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s1] [fxosqa-auto-from-s2] [fxosqa-auto-s3]
1129337 Geo Mealer [:geo] -- This account is inactive after 2015-07-07 b2g-28.1 cannot be found via ADB FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-s11+
1130995 Geo Mealer [:geo] -- This account is inactive after 2015-07-07 b2g-07.1 cannot be found via adb FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-s11+
1132479 Martijn Wargers (dead) Fix test_IMAP_email_notification failure FIXED -- [QAnalyst-Triage+][fxosqa-auto-s11]
1136774 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Reduce Handoffs: Revision of plan for minimized execution/triage process FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s11][fxosqa-auto-s12]
1136779 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Criteria document for picking Gaia Integration tests to automate FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s11]
1137787 Geo Mealer [:geo] -- This account is inactive after 2015-07-07 Xfail test_ftu_skip_tour pending resolution of Bug 1134445 FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s11]
1138465 Geo Mealer [:geo] -- This account is inactive after 2015-07-07 b2g-28.1 failed to be found; no report generated for mozilla-central-nightly.smoke FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-s11+
1138505 Improve failure analysis tool to add time-based analysis WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-s11, s12, s13]
1138509 Geo Mealer [:geo] -- This account is inactive after 2015-07-07 Draft: Language-agnostic best practices document for automation FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s11] [fxosqa-auto-s12]
1138513 Draft of Gaia UI Test harness behavior WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-s11, s12, s13]
1138539 Draft process/ownership diagram of current process from build to results WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-s13][fxosqa-auto-from-s11][fxosqa-auto-from-s12]
1138540 Criteria document for picking Acceptance tests to automate WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-s13][fxosqa-auto-from-s11][fxosqa-auto-from-s12]
1138542 Martijn Wargers (dead) Draft report on MarionetteJS on-device status FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s12][fxosqa-auto-from-s11]
1138546 John Dorlus [:Silne30] New Hire Document for Firefox OS FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s11]
1139054 John Dorlus [:Silne30] Python Gaia UI Test Tutorial Fixes FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s11] [fxosqa-auto-s12]
1139083 John Dorlus [:Silne30] Implement Brick Verification Test in Python FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s11+, s12, s13]
1139215 test_launch_l10n.py:test_launch_by_localised_name consistently fails on-device WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-s11+]
1139921 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Assist with Gaia Integration: Analysis of Acceptance tests for additional Gaia Integration possibilities FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s11]
1139999 Martijn Wargers (dead) Re-enable tests on linux debug b2g desktop that were disabled by bug 1103106 FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s11]
1140588 John Dorlus [:Silne30] Added Xfail and Disable Tests Document FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s11+]
1140669 Geo Mealer [:geo] -- This account is inactive after 2015-07-07 Xfail the test_settings_change_language* tests due to bug 1137766 FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-s11+
1141124 Geo Mealer [:geo] -- This account is inactive after 2015-07-07 Disable test_settings_bluetooth.py:test_toggle_bluetooth_settings FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-s11+
1142339 Geo Mealer [:geo] -- This account is inactive after 2015-07-07 Document bug filing standards against automation reports FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s12]
1144809 John Dorlus [:Silne30] Create Plan for Firefox OS QA Automation Community FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s11+][fxosqa-auto-s12]
1145657 John Dorlus [:Silne30] Create View Pattern for use in Gaia Acceptance WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-s12+,s13,s14,s15,s16,s17]
1145875 Geo Mealer [:geo] -- This account is inactive after 2015-07-07 Random tests failing with JavascriptException: TypeError: this.element is null in app://system.gaiamobile.org/gaia_build_defer_index.js line: 2337 or .../app_window.js line:451 FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s12+, s13]
1146909 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Develop Gaia Acceptance: Establish Gaia Acceptance backlog with existing Python UI tests to port FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s13]
1146917 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Port Gaia Integration Python: Division of existing Gaia Integration Python tests by functional team FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s13]
1150537 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Document the differences between the raw engineering builds and the ones published FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s13+]
1156332 Implement Brick Test in JavaScript WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-s14+,s15,s16,s17]
1156753 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Migrate test_sms_to_dialer.py to Gij FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s15,s16,s17]
1156843 Create PoC for Gaia Acceptance suite based on MarionetteJS WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-s15,16,17]
1165026 Geo Mealer [:geo] -- This account is inactive after 2015-07-07 Disable test_launch_l10n.py FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-s16+
1165937 Create set of sanity tests to qualify device/envs for MarionetteJS acceptance tests WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-s16,17]
1168118 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Migrate test_sms_contact_input_validation.py to Gij FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s17+,s18]
1168324 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Migrate test_sms_contact_match.py to Gij FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s18]
1175108 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Migrate test_sms_semicolon_completes_the_entered_recipient.py to Gij FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s19]
1175110 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Disable SMS Gip tests that have been migrated to Gij FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s19]

62 Total; 62 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


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