B2G/QA/Automation/UI/Scrum/Sprint 7

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Sprint 7 2014-12-22 -> 2015-01-09


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Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Resolution Priority Qa whiteboard
1000863 Martijn Wargers (dead) Investigate test_fmradio_find_stations.py failure FIXED P2 [fxosqa-auto-from-s1] [fxosqa-auto-from-s2] [fxosqa-auto-from-s3] [fxosqa-auto-from-s4] [fxosqa-auto-from-s5][fxosqa-auto-from-s6][fxosqa-auto-s7]
1052267 [FxA] Create automated testcases to test username & password string validation for firefox accounts WONTFIX P3 [fxosqa-auto-from-s5] [fxosqa-auto-from-s6] [fxosqa-auto-s7]
1086680 Martijn Wargers (dead) Write an automated test for "Verify the user can import Facebook contacts from contacts app settings" moztrap smoketest FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-from-s2, fxosqa-auto-dropped-s3, fxosqa-auto-points=8, [fxosqa-auto-s7]
1086687 Martijn Wargers (dead) Write an automated test for "Unlink a previously linked Facebook contact from contact details" moztrap smoketest FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-from-s2, fxosqa-auto-dropped-s3, fxosqa-auto-points=8, [fxosqa-auto-s7][fxosqa-auto-points=2]
1094151 Martijn Wargers (dead) Write a test to install & launch a packaged app from the Marketplace FIXED -- fxosqa-auto-points=8, fxosqa-auto-from-s4, fxosqa-auto-backlog+, [fxosqa-auto-s7]
1096325 Geo Mealer [:geo] -- This account is inactive after 2015-07-07 Intermittent test_launch_via_manifest.py TestLaunchViaManifest.test_launch_manifest | TimeoutException: TimeoutException: Connection timed out WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s5] [fxosqa-auto-from-s6] [fxosqa-auto-s7]
1097605 Martijn Wargers (dead) Update method for getting mobile data state in Usage app FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-dropped-s4][fxosqa-auto-s7][fxosqa-auto-points=4]
1097754 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th test_dialer_receive_call_with_locked_screen.py sometimes doesn't wait until the callscreen arrives at the bottom of the screen WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s4][fxosqa-auto-from-s5][fxosqa-from-s6][fxosqa-auto-from-s7][fxosqa-auto-s8][fxosqa-auto-points=4]
1100411 lusob Create test to verify status bar icons appear when home screen is scrolled FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s4] [fxosqa-auto-from-s5] [fxosqa-auto-from-s6] [fxosqa-auto-dropped-s7]
1102931 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] Intermittent test_ftu_with_tour.py TestFtu.test_ftu_with_tour | TimeoutException: TimeoutException: Timed out after 10.1 seconds WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s5][fxosqa-auto-s7]
1109213 Martijn Wargers (dead) test_sms_with_attachments.py: "NoSuchWindowException: NoSuchWindowException: None" FIXED -- [QAnalyst-Triage+][fxosqa-auto-s7]
1110102 [v2.2] Add test to verify that the video recording stops immediately when going to homescreen WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s6] [fxosqa-auto-dropped-s7] [fxosqa-auto-backlog+]
1111981 Robert Chira [:RobertC] [v2.2] Investigate intermittent failure in test_sms_with_picture_attached.py and test_add_photo_to_contact.py FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s6] [fxosqa-auto-from-s7] [fxosqa-auto-from-s8] [fxosqa-auto-s9]
1112191 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Add a test to check that touchtones are responsive during phonecall WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-dropped-s7][fxosqa-auto-s8][fxosqa-auto-points=8]
1112334 Martijn Wargers (dead) Write a test for basic Find My Device logging in existing account FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s6][fxosqa-auto-s7][fxosqa-auto-points=4]
1113154 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Plivo sometimes raises a 404 error just after the call has been created FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7]
1113188 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Add a test to check deletion of multiple contacts FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7][fxosqa-auto-points=2]
1113662 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] [v2.2] Investigate test_sms_with_attachments tap_capture failure FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s7][fxosqa-auto-s8]
1113762 Martijn Wargers (dead) Add videos with counters to gaia-ui tests FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7][fxosqa-auto-points=4]
1113851 Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] [Settings] Change time format to 24-hour, write gaia-ui test FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7]
1113953 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Bug 1097754 Follow up - Centralizing the default Plivo timeout value FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7][fxosqa-auto-points=1]
1114559 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Add a test to check the presence of contacts' default image FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7][fxosqa-auto-points=2]
1114560 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Add a test to delete the whole phone number on the dialer FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7][fxosqa-auto-points=2]
1114568 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Add a test to check that a regular phone number should not be dialed out on the emergency dialer FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7][fxosqa-auto-points=6]
1114640 No-Jun Park [:njpark] Create a new test case for the rating feature of the Music App FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7]
1114643 No-Jun Park [:njpark] Create a new test case for cancelling the deletion of multiple photos in gallery FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7]
1115026 Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] Write test to check Bug 1113482 FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7]
1115180 Martijn Wargers (dead) Get test_cost_control_data_alert_mobile.py re-enabled FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7][fxosqa-auto-points=4]
1116076 Robert Chira [:RobertC] [v2.2] Fix test_rocketbar_add_collection failure FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7]
1116456 Martijn Wargers (dead) [v2.2] Investigate test_marketplace_packaged_app.py failure FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7][fxosqa-auto-points=4]
1116566 Martijn Wargers (dead) Create test to catch regression in bug 1116087 FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-backlog+][fxosqa-auto-s7][fxosqa-auto-points=4]
1116744 [v2.2] Investigate test_toggle_bluetooth_settings intermittent failure on Jenkins WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s7] [fxosqa-auto-from-s8] [fxosqa-auto-dropped-s9] [fxosqa-auto-backlog+]
1117115 Johan Lorenzo [:jlorenzo] - On PTO, back on May 13th Enable test_settings_sim_manager.py FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7+][fxosqa-auto-points=1]
1117804 Investigate test_call_log_groups failure WONTFIX -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s6] [fxosqa-auto-from-s7] [fxosqa-auto-from-s8] [fxosqa-auto-dropped-s9]
1117823 Viorela Ioia [:viorela] Update locators in Settings - Cell data page FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7]
1118728 Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] Update Phone app object to wait for the app to launch FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7]
1119143 Robert Chira [:RobertC] [v2.2] Fix rocketbar test failures FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-s7+]
1119278 Robert Chira [:RobertC] Intermittent test_music_change_rating.py TestSetMusicRating.test_music_change_rating | ValueError: time data u'' does not match format '%M:%S' FIXED -- [fxosqa-auto-from-s7] [fxosqa-auto-s8]

38 Total; 38 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Sprint Planning

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